I am a tenured assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science (DCC) at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
My research focuses on improving satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers for formal verification and to make them more trustworthy via the production and checking of proof certificates (see this article for an overview). I am also a senior technical lead for the state-of-the-art SMT solver cvc5.
Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Iowa, where I worked with Dr. Andrew Reynolds and Prof. Cesare Tinelli, while also collaborating with Prof. Clark Barrett from Stanford University. Before that I was a PhD student at Inria Nancy under the direction of Prof. Pascal Fontaine.
My research is currently supported by a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), by CAPES, and by Amazon Web Services.
Hiring: I am currently hiring a post-doctoral scholar to work on SMT proofs, proof checking, and connection with proof assistants. See here for details.
I am also always looking for motivated students (undergrad, masters or PhD) to work on the above topics. Please get in touch if you are interested.
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+55 (31) 3409-5852 hbarbosa@dcc.ufmg.br