Haniel Barbosa

I am a tenured assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science (DCC) at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

My research focuses on improving satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers for formal verification and to make them more trustworthy via the production and checking of proof certificates (see this article for an overview). I am also a senior technical lead for the state-of-the-art SMT solver cvc5.

Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Iowa, where I worked with Dr. Andrew Reynolds and Prof. Cesare Tinelli, while also collaborating with Prof. Clark Barrett from Stanford University. Before that I was a PhD student at Inria Nancy under the direction of Prof. Pascal Fontaine.

My research is currently supported by a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), by CAPES, and by Amazon Web Services.

Hiring: I am currently hiring a post-doctoral scholar to work on SMT proofs, proof checking, and connection with proof assistants. See here for details.

I am also always looking for motivated students (undergrad, masters or PhD) to work on the above topics. Please get in touch if you are interested.



I will attend the Dagstuhl Seminar on Certifying Algorithms for Automated Reasoning.
I gave an invited tutorial SMT solving for verification at the ATVA 2024 conference.
I gave an invited lecture An introduction to SMT solving with quantifiers at the SAT/SMT/AR summer schoor 2024.
The paper Towards Producing Shorter Congruence Closure Proofs in a State-of-the-art SMT Solver will appear at the PAAR 2024 workshop.
The paper Satisfiability Modulo Theories: A Beginner's Tutorial will appear at FM'24.
Kick-off of the DARPA-funded project in which I'm a co-PI: PEGISUS - Proof EnGineering and Integration with Satisfiability modUlo theorieS.
The paper on IsaRare will appear at TACAS'24.
I attended my first in-person Dagstuhl Seminar: The Next Generation of Deduction Systems: from Composition to Compositionality.
Our article Generating and Exploiting Automated Reasoning Proof Certificates was published in the Communications of the ACM.
Tomaz Mascarenhas has successfully defended his MSc thesis. Congratulations, Tomaz!
I gave an invited talk Challenges in SMT Proof Production and Checking for Arithmetic Reasoning at the SC-Square workshop.
The paper An Interactive SMT Tactic in Coq using Abductive Reasoning will appear at LPAR'23.
I gave an invited talk on Better SMT proofs for certifying compliance and correctness at the Machine Assisted Proofs workshop at IPAM/UCLA.
The paper on Carcara will appear at TACAS'23.


  • Mallku Soldevila (Post-doctoral scholar)
  • Caio Raposo (PhD student, quantifiers in SMT)
  • Tomaz Mascarenhas (PhD student, reconstruction of SMT proofs in Lean)
  • Pedro Saccomani (PhD student, finite fields proofs)
  • Bruno Andreotti (MSc student, small congruence closure proofs; proof checking and proof elaboration)
  • Tiago Campos (MSc student, proof checking)
  • José Neto (Research Engineer)
  • Vinicius Gomes (Undergrad researcher)
  • Atila Augusto (Undergrad researcher)
  • Bernardo Borges (Undergrad researcher)
  • Sarah Pereira (Undergrad researcher)
  • Henrique Gessner (Undergrad researcher)

Affiliate members

  • Alan Prado (MSc student, bit-vector proofs with cutting planes)
  • Augusto Mafra (MSc student)
  • Gustavo Jasper (MSc student)

Past members

  • Vinicius Braga (Undergrad researcher, proof visualization; parallel proof checking)
  • João Saffran (MSc student, log obfuscation; cosupervisor: Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira)





  • Satisfiability Modulo Theories: A Beginner's Tutorial
    Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli, Haniel Barbosa, Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner, Andrew Reynolds, Yoni Zohar
    In Petre, L., Krishnamurthi, S.. (eds.) 26th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2024 Tutorial Track).
    Distinguished tutorial paper award
  • Towards Producing Shorter Congruence Closure Proofs in a State-of-the-art SMT Solver (Extended Abstract)
    Bruno Andreotti, Haniel Barbosa and Oliver Flatt
    In Nalon, C., Steen, A., Suda, M.. (eds.) 9th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR 2024)
  • IsaRare: Automatic Verification of SMT Rewrites in Isabelle/HOL
    Hanna Lachnitt, Mathias Fleury, Leni Aniva, Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Andres Nötzli, Clark W. Barrett, Cesare Tinelli
    In Finkbeiner, B., Kovács, L.. (eds.) 30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2024), Springer, 2023.
  • 26th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2023)
    Haniel Barbosa, Yoni Zohar (eds.)
    LNCS 14414, 2024.


  • Generating and Exploiting Automated Reasoning Proof Certificates
    Haniel Barbosa, Clark W. Barrett, Byron Cook, Bruno Dutertre, Gereon Kremer, Hanna Lachnitt, Aina Niemetz, Andres Nötzli, Alex Ozdemir, Mathias Preiner, Andrew Reynolds, Cesare Tinelli, Yoni Zohar
    In Commun. ACM 66(10), 2023.
    web page
  • Challenges in SMT Proof Production and Checking for Arithmetic Reasoning (Invited Paper)
    Haniel Barbosa
    In Ábrahám, E., Sturm, T. (eds.) 8th SC-Square Workshop (SC-Square@ISSAC 2023).
  • An Interactive SMT Tactic in Coq using Abductive Reasoning
    Haniel Barbosa, Chantal Keller, Andrew Reynolds, Arjun Viswanathan, Cesare Tinelli, Clark Barrett
    In Piskac, R., Voronkov, A. (eds.) 24th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR 2023).
  • Carcara: An efficient proof checker and elaborator for SMT proofs in the Alethe format
    Bruno Andreotti, Hanna Lachnitt, Haniel Barbosa
    In Sharygina, N., Sankaranarayanan, S. (eds.) 29th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2023), Springer, 2023.
  • Synthesising Programs with Non-trivial Constants
    Alessandro Abate, Haniel Barbosa, Clark Barrett, Cristina David, Pascal Kesseli, Daniel Kroening, Elizabeth Polgreen, Andrew Reynolds, Cesare Tinelli
    In Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR), 2023.
  • 7th SC-Square Workshop (SC-Square@FLoC 2022)
    Ali Kemal Uncu and Haniel Barbosa (eds.)
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3458, 2023.


  • Reconstructing Fine-Grained Proofs of Complex Rewrites Using a Domain-Specific Language
    Andres Nötzli, Haniel Barbosa, Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner, Andrew Reynolds, Cesare Tinelli, Clark Barrett
    In Griggio, A., Runtga, N. (eds.) 22nd Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2022), IEEE, 2022.
  • Even Faster Conflicts and Lazier Reductions for String Solvers
    Andres Nötzli, Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli
    In Shoham, S., Vizel, Y. (eds.) 34th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2022), Springer, 2022.
  • Flexible Proof Production in an Industrial-Strength SMT Solver
    Haniel Barbosa, Andrew Reynolds, Gereon Kremer, Hanna Lachnitt, Aina Niemetz, Andres Nötzli, Alex Ozdemir, Mathias Preiner, Arjun Viswanathan, Scott Viteri, Yoni Zohar, Cesare Tinelli, Clark Barrett
    In Blanchette, J., Kovacs, L., Pattinson, D. (eds.) 11th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2022), Springer, 2022.
  • cvc5: A Versatile and Industrial-Strength SMT Solver
    Haniel Barbosa, Clark Barrett, Martin Brain, Gereon Kremer, Hanna Lachnitt, Makai Mann, Abdalrhman Mohamed, Mudathir Mohamed, Aina Niemetz, Andres Nötzli, Alex Ozdemir, Mathias Preiner, Andrew Reynolds, Ying Sheng, Cesare Tinelli, and Yoni Zohar
    In Fisman, D., Rosu, G. (eds.) 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2022), Springer, 2022.
    Best tool paper award


  • On-Line Synthesis of Parsers for String Events
    João Saffran, Haniel Barbosa, Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira and Srinivas Vadlamani.
    In Journal of Computer Languages (COLA), 2021.
  • Fair and Adventurous Enumeration of Quantifier Instantiations
    Mikoláš Janota, Haniel Barbosa, Pascal Fontaine, Andrew Reynolds
    In Piskac, R., Whalen, M. (eds.) 21st Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2021), IEEE, 2021.
  • Alethe: Towards a Generic SMT Proof Format
    Hans-Jörg Schurr, Mathias Fleury, Haniel Barbosa, Pascal Fontaine.
    In Keller, C., Fleury, M. (eds.) 7th Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving (PxTP@CADE 2021) .


  • Scalable Algorithms for Abduction via Enumerative Syntax-Guided Synthesis
    Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Daniel Larraz and Cesare Tinelli.
    In Peltier, N., Sofronie-Stokkermans, V. (eds.) 10th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2020), Springer, 2020.
  • Sintetizador de Gramáticas para Obfuscação de Dados em Sistemas de Logs
    João Saffran, Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Haniel Barbosa.
    In SBSeg - Tools, 2020.
  • Lifting congruence closure with free variables to lambda-free higher-order logic via SAT encoding (work in progress)
    Sophie Tourret, Pascal Fontaine, Daniel El Ouraoui, Haniel Barbosa.
    In Bobot, F., Weber, T. (eds.) 18th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT@IJCAR 2020), 2018.
  • Scalable fine-grained proofs for formula processing
    Haniel Barbosa, Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Mathias Fleury and Pascal Fontaine.
    In Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR), 2020.
    pdffree pdfdoi


  • Extending enumerative function synthesis via SMT-driven classification
    Haniel Barbosa, Andrew Reynolds, Daniel Larraz and Cesare Tinelli.
    In Barrett, C., Yang, J. (eds.) 19th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2019), IEEE, 2019.
    Best paper honorable mention
  • Extending SMT solvers to higher-order logic
    Haniel Barbosa, Andrew Reynolds, Daniel El Ouraoui, Cesare Tinelli and Clark Barrett.
    In Fontaine, P. (eds.) 27th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 2019), LNCS 11716, pp. 35--54, Springer, 2019.
    pdfevaluation datareport (pdf)
  • Sixth Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving (PxTP 2019)
    Giselle Reis and Haniel Barbosa (eds.)
    EPTCS 301, 2019.
    pdf web page
  • CVC4Sy: Smart and Fast Term Enumeration for Syntax-Guided Synthesis
    Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Andres Nötzli, Clark Barrett and Cesare Tinelli.
    In Dillig, I., Tasiran, S. (eds.) 31st International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV 2019), LNCS 11562, pp. 74--83, Springer, 2019.
  • Syntax-Guided Rewrite Rule Enumeration for SMT Solvers
    Andres Nötzli, Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner, Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli.
    In Janota, M., Lynce, I. (eds.) 22nd International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2019), LNCS 11628, pp. 279--297, Springer, 2019.
    pdfsupplemental material (pdf)
  • Better SMT proofs for easier reconstruction
    Haniel Barbosa, Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Mathias Fleury, Pascal Fontaine, Hans-Jörg Schurr.
    In In Hales, T. C., Kaliszyk, C., Kumar, R., Schulz, S., Urban, J. (eds.) 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP 2019), 2019.


  • Datatypes with shared selectors
    Andrew Reynlods, Arjun Viswanathan, Haniel Barbosa, Cesare Tinelli, Clark Barrett.
    In Galmiche, D., Schulz, S., Sebastiani, R. (eds.) 9th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2018), LNCS 10900, pp. 591--608, Springer, 2018.
  • Higher-Order SMT solving (work in progress)
    Haniel Barbosa, Andrew Reynolds, Pascal Fontaine, Daniel El Ouraoui, Cesare Tinelli.
    In Dimitrova, R., D'Silva, V. (eds.) 16th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT@FLOC 2018), 2018.
  • Rewrites for SMT Solvers using Syntax-Guided Enumeration (work in progress)
    Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Aina Niemetz, Andres Nötzli, Mathias Preiner, Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli.
    In Dimitrova, R., D'Silva, V. (eds.) 16th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT@FLOC 2018), 2018.
  • Revisiting enumerative instantiation
    Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Pascal Fontaine.
    In Beyer, D., Huisman, M. (eds.) 24th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2018), Part II, LNCS 10806, pp. 112--131, Springer, 2018.


  • Language and proofs for higher-order SMT (work in progress)
    Haniel Barbosa, Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Simon Cruanes, Daniel El Ouraoui, Pascal Fontaine.
    In In Dubois, C., Woltzenlogel Paleo, B. (eds.) 5th Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving (PxTP@FroCoS 2017), EPTCS 262, pp. 15–-22, 2017.
  • New techniques for instantiation and proof production in SMT solving
    Haniel Barbosa.
    Ph.D. thesis. Inria, Université de Lorraine, UFRN. September 2017
    pdf pdf + extended abstracts in fr and pt-brslidesbibtex
  • Scalable fine-grained proofs for formula processing
    Haniel Barbosa, Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Pascal Fontaine.
    In de Moura, L. (ed.) 26th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 2017), LNCS 10395, pp. 398--412, Springer, 2017.
  • Congruence closure with free variables
    Haniel Barbosa, Pascal Fontaine, Andrew Reynolds.
    In Legay, A., Margaria, T. (eds.) 23rd International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2017), Part II, LNCS 10206, pp. 214--230, Springer, 2017.


  • Efficient instantiation techniques in SMT (work in progress)
    Haniel Barbosa.
    In Fontaine, P., Schulz, S., Urban, J. (eds.) 5th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR@IJCAR), CEUR 1635, pp. 1--10, 2016.


  • Congruence closure with free variables (work in progress)
    Haniel Barbosa and Pascal Fontaine.
    In Chen, H.H., Lonsing, F., Seidl, M. (eds.) 2nd International Workshop on Quantification (QUANTIFY@CADE, 2015), 2015.


  • Formal verification of PLC programs using the B Method
    Haniel Barbosa.
    M.Sc. thesis. UFRN. October 2012
  • An approach using the B method to formal verification of PLC programs in an industrial setting
    Haniel Barbosa and David Déharbe.
    In Gheyi, R., Naumann, D.A. (eds.) 15th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2012), LNCS 7498, pp. 19--34, Springer, 2012.
  • Formal verification of PLC programs using the B Method
    Haniel Barbosa and David Déharbe.
    In Derrick, J., Fitzgerald, J.S., Gnesi, S., Khurshid, S., Leuschel, M., Reeves, S., Riccobene, E. (eds.) 3rd International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z (ABZ 2012), LNCS 7316, pp. 353--356, Springer, 2012.


(Seriously outdated)





  • Better SMT proofs for certifying compliance
    Presented at FACC workshop associated with CAV'21, online, 19 July, 2021.
    slidesdemo filesvideo recording
  • SMT solvers: opening the box
    Invited lecture at Logic for Systems class at Brown University, online, 7 April, 2021.



  • Extending enumerative function synthesis via SMT-driven classification
    Presented at FMCAD, in San Jose, USA, 25 October, 2019.
  • SMT solving for fun and profit
    Presented at UFMG, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 20 September, 2019.
  • Extending SMT solvers to higher-order logic
    Presented at CADE, in Natal, Brazil, 30 August, 2019.
  • CVC4Sy: Smart and Fast Term Enumeration for Syntax-Guided Synthesis
    Presented at CAV, in New York, USA, 17 July, 2019.
  • Extending SMT solvers to higher-order logic
    Presented at SMT, in Lisbon, Portugal, 7 July, 2019.


  • Combining data-driven and symbolic reasoning for Invariant Synthesis in SMT
    Presented at MVD, in Iowa City, USA, 9 September, 2018.
  • Towards higher-order unification in HOSMT
    Presented at ICMS, in Notre Dame, USA, 27 July, 2018.
  • Datatypes with shared selectors
    Presented at IJCAR, in Oxford, UK, 15 July, 2018.
  • Revisiting enumerative instantiation
    Presented at TACAS, in Thessalonik, Greece, 18 April, 2018.


  • Scalable fine-grained proofs for formula processing
    Longer version of the original CADE talk. Presented at PxTP, in Brasilia, Brazil, 23 September, 2017.
  • New techniques for instantiation and proof production in SMT solving
    Presented at Inria, in Nancy, France, 5 September, 2017.
  • Scalable fine-grained proofs for formula processing
    Presented at CADE, in Gothenburg, Sweden, 9 August, 2017.
  • Congruence closure with free variables
    Presented at TACAS, in Uppsala, Sweden, 28 April, 2017.


  • Efficient instantiation techniques in SMT
    Presented at PAAR, in Coimbra, Portugal, 2 July, 2016.


  • Congruence closure with free variables
    Presented at QUANTIFY, in Berlin, Germany, 3 August, 2015.



Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
ICEx – Anexo U – DCC – Office 4323
CEP: 31270-010
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais – Brazil

+55 (31) 3409-5852